The new General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect on May 25th, 2018.
The Packaging Experts is a trading name of THEMPC Limited. At THEMPC we take the privacy of our customers very seriously and would like to stress that we do not sell, share or forward your information to anyone unless you are aware of this. Sharing and disclosure of your information is restricted to those persons and third parties that need to know for legitimate business purposes.
We may collect the following information from you
- Full Name and Job Title
- Contact information including email address and telephone number
- Demographic information such as address & postcode
- Bank Account details
- Credit/debit card information
We collect this information purely for purposes of being able to transact with our customers and these details are stored on our secure network which only authorised employees have access to and they only access the data to be able to trade with yourselves as a customer or supplier or ours. Our staff are all trained on the GDPR laws and there are policies and procedures in place to ensure your data is safe. We will only use your data collected as details above to contact you with regards to relevant business matters.
If you email any of our team your email will be stored securely using our chosen email provider which is Office 365, your email may be shared within the organisation unless you mark your email as confidential. Everyone within our organisation has corporate email address which will either be or should anyone contact you without the correct email alias then do not reply to them and get in touch with us. For more information you can read the Office 365 privacy policy here:
Direct Marketing
We do not at present use your data to do any form of direct marketing and as detailed above we would like to stress again that we do not sell, share or forward your information to anyone outside of our organisation.
If at any time we want to use your data for direct marketing we will seek your consent to opt in to receive any information that may be relevant to yourselves or your business.
Further Information
To request any further information on the information we hold then please do not hesitate to contact Emma Marsh – To comply with the GDPR regulation you can request a copy of the information we hold and we will produce you with this within 30 days of your request.
THEMPC Limited is a member of the ICO (Information commissioner’s office) for more information on GDPR we recommend visiting their website: