How your product is packaged plays a huge role in determining whether you stand out on shelf, how people perceive your brand and ultimately, the number of sales you’ll make. And if you’ve done all the hard work of developing your product and getting it in the shops, what’s the point of undoing it by having below par packaging?
Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how great your product is, if your packaging isn’t great too, consumers might not be drawn to buy it in the first place. At The Packaging Experts, we’ve put together our top tips for creating the right brand perception:
Clearly demonstrate your ethos and USP
In a world where consumers are bombarded with choice, there must be a reason for picking your product. Does your brand pride itself on being eco-friendly? Have you ditched plastic packaging for a more sustainable alternative? Make shoppers want to pick your product by telling your customers what makes you different and reflecting your ethos in how your packaging looks.
Don’t scrimp on the detail
All too often, companies invest in developing a product, only to underestimate the importance of how it is packaged. With nearly half of shoppers reporting that the packaging reinforces that a product is worth the cost, and more than 50 per cent saying they would make additional purchases from a company that uses above average or premium packaging, it’s clear to see the true importance of investing in your packaging[1].
How is your product being sold?
Is your product being sold in the supermarket? Online? Or in a small boutique? Where your goods are sold will play a huge part in determining the style and textures of your packaging and ultimately, can affect the perception of your brand. For example, if you’re selling online, you’ll need to ensure that your packaging can withstand the journey through the postal system. If it doesn’t, this can cause a negative perception of your brand and prevent people from shopping with you in the future. On the other hand, if your goods are being sold in a boutique, you can use less robust packaging but will need to ensure the packaging looks and feels exclusive.
Use colour wisely
The way colour is used in packaging design can have a noticeable impact on shopping behaviours. Although colours are used to attract a shopper’s eye, they also have an impact on the way consumers perceive your product. If we go back to the eco-friendly product example, cardboard packaging that uses simple, earthly colours is far more likely to give the right impression than bright primary colours, which are more likely to be used in children’s cereal, for example.
If you need help planning and creating the perfect packaging, our expert team will be able to help. For a no obligation discussion, please call: 01256 352415, or email: info@thepackagingexperts.co.uk.
[1] http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/07363760610655032