These days our expectations from online shopping are quite high. We want our packages to contain precisely what we ordered, to arrive on time, and to be in perfect condition. Despite our need to find a bargain, and to pay less online that we might have done in a store, we also want to be amazed by our little packages, to feel special opening them, and to feel a warmth and loyalty to the product. With such a high level of expectation it is clear than companies need to give thought to a great many aspects of product design, so that they can deliver and exceed customer expectation. One clear way of helping to achieve this is to take a look at product packaging, as this is where first impressions can really count.
Packaging is the window to the product. It is a real opportunity. It indicates the nature of the product and its quality. It isn’t a one size fits all solution because what you need to make a statement about a DIY purchase (quality, robustness) is very different to what you want to say about a luxury soap, or perfume. All of this can be said up front, before the product is even out of the packaging by choosing something appropriate for your packaging.
For most businesses, pricing is the key to success. Obviously, in order to keep the cost aspect as low as possible, many companies will want to make their packaging cost effective, even in the luxury goods market. Cost effective does not mean cheap looking. Innovative use of different materials in different colours is not necessarily expensive and a good packaging company will certainly be able to advise you about this in more detail.
Although most companies think about colour, texture, design, and environmental issues with their packaging, most people overlook the practical side of things such as how the package opens. There is nothing more exasperating than a package that is surprisingly difficult to open, to the point that it has to be ripped or torn. Make it easy for your customer, and give them the opportunity to open their product without destroying the packaging! Whilst there is so much to consider when making a product available, make sure that packaging plays a central role. After all, first impressions certainly do count.
If you would like to know more about the packaging we can offer you call us on 01256 352415.